Per American Pain Foundation September 29, 2011 article:
The Dr. Oz Show interviewed top doctors this week about a familiar subject— pain. Dr. Oz was shocked to learn what so many of us live with every day.
Pain is prevalent, finding good pain care is hard, and women face discrimination when it comes to pain assessment and treatment.
Please take a moment to send a note to Dr. Oz, thanking him and his producers for raising awareness of the need for improved pain management in America!
If you have faced barriers to effective pain care, or have been told that pain is “all in your head,” be sure to share your story at the following link: www.doctoroz.com/contact
If you missed the show, you can view it online:
Dr.Oz show
Keep up with the American Pain Foundation on Facebook.
and Twitter @americanpain for the latest pain news and information.
hi dr. oz my daughter has had so much pain over the years. she suffers from sickle cell anemia. she has been told many hurtful things such as she is a drug user or she just wants drugs she was thrown in the street by hospital in the winter with out shoes because they said she had drug issues. she has had so many obstacles and want to be more awarness to others and also needs help finding a cure. do you know any place that is doing stem cell treatment. she is willing to travel to any place to find the help. thank you the mother of sickle cell child thank again