I was going to write a separate blog for each wonderful Sickle Cell Center, Hospital, or Clinic that stood out as a beacon of hope for patients with Sickle Cell Disease. What I found was way too many of them to mention separately.
There are so many doctors, advocates, universities, clinics and organizations who are fighting in-behalf of patients with Sickle Cell Disease. They are working to touch the lives of hurting people, researching new drugs to give comfort for their pains, and fighting the uphill battle to find a cure. The more I researched the more I was moved to tears.
There is an army out there who cares about me and all the other patients suffering with Sickle Cell Disease. To this army of health care professionals who see pain and suffering everyday, I say thank you for your compassion. To the advocates who organize walks, conferences and seminars, I say God bless you. And, to those researchers who never get tired of looking into a microscope at sickle cells, looking for a cure, I say DON’T GIVE UP.
There is an army of Sickle Cell patients cheering you on, petitioning God in your behalf, and silently hoping for your success. I tip my hat, I bow my head in respect, I yell “YIPPY!!!”, and I pass on their love for all your hard work.
Blessing and Greetings,
ReplyDeleteI know your pain. I am a mother of a twenty year old with Sickle Cell Disease and a five year old with Sickle Cell Disease. I am the Founder of the Sickle Cell Foundation of Orange County, in Orange County. Please visit our site at www.scdfoc.org our sickle cell forum board at www.scdfoc.org/forum/ and our new blog at sickle cell foundation of orange county at blogspot.com
I speak full healing over all of you. I call forth those things that are not as though they were.
I share your pain,frustration, isolation, and most of all, i have compassion for all families affected by this obstacle. My family and I, give all of our love, prayers, and support to all that are directly and indirectly affect by Sickle Cell. We have dedicated our lives in sowing into your lives and giving you hope and faith to "live by design and not by diagnosis"
I like that "live by design and not by diagnosis." That's food for the soul. Thank you for the kind words.